My lawn colour | 30 x 30cm
Milky Sea September | 61×40 cm | Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Milky Sea October | 60 x 40cm
Mint House | 30 x 30cm
Forgetting the lows | 31 x 40cm
October high | 31 x 40cm
Rapid Creek August | 39 x 32
Rapid Creek Nov | 30 x 41cm
Domesticated forest | 80 x 100cm
BCC Darwin city | 35 x 40cm
Well Done 1 | 26 x 26cm
Well Done 2 | 26 x 26cm
Berrimah | 26 x 26cm
Good Try | 26 x 26cm
Heat Brinkin | 30 x 30 cm
Car Wash | 29 x 23cm
heat Casuarina | 32 x 40 cm
Kings Canyon | April 21 | 30 x 30cm
Kathleen Springs | 30 x 30 cm
Alice Springs April 21 | 30 x 30cm
Gem Tree April 21 | 30 x 25 cm
Gandelf’s Garden | 80 x 100cm
Are they in there? August | 30 x 30cm
Watching Channel 9 March | 28x36cm | Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Not sure if they’re in there? November | 26x31cm | Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Rapid Creek December | 30 x 40cm
Rapid Creek September | 39 x 31cm
Step Back | 30 x 30cm
Kings Canyon Station 21 | 30 x 30cm
Yellow road | 35 x 30cm
Wagait Beach hit 2021 | 15 x 30cm
Those theirs this | 80 x 100 cm
Humpty Doo | 26 x 26cm
Cas beach | 70 x 55cm
Watching Ch 10 | 30x40cm | 2020 | Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Ebola on the couch | 2016 | 25 x 25cm
to the cliffs | 30 x 40cm
Darwin Entertainment Centre | 60 x 50cm
Darwin Entertainment Centre 2 | 60 x 50 cm
Sunlit | 35 x 29 cm
Hospital Road | 15 x 20 cm
Monsoon Jingili | 30 x 21cm
study | 45 x 60cm
The Fool | 100 x 80 cm
Pet Barn | 20 x 25cm
Flight | 45 x 55cm
Tame | 30 x 40cm
Well done 4 | 26 x 26cm
The Dojo | 35 x 26cm
Neris | 30 x 21cm
Jingili Water Gardens | 30 x 40cm
Aggressive | 20 x 20cm
Angry pet hand
Bed sheets of rain | 26x30cm Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Mending the Sky | 21×30 cm | Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Sat down | 30 x 21cm
Nightcliff | 28x20cm | Photo Paul Johnstone Gallery
Dawn Jetty | 25 x 30cm
Trying to think | 25 x 25
Driving | 35 x 35cm
Old banner fish | 35 x 35cm
The circus | 30 x 30cm
Forest first study | 30 x 30 cm
Study | 40 x 55cm
BW Aquarium study | 45 x 55cm
Lunch break | 25 x 25cm
Monsoon December | 40 x 30cm
Out Der | 21 x 21cm
Cas Reserve | 35 x 35cm
Fish in space | 45 x 55cm
Late Burn Tree | 35 x 45cm
After Burn | 55 x 45cm
Bush track | 28 x 35 cm
Mandorah Monsoon | 21 x 21cm
Jetty Xris Xross | 26 x 26cm
storm jetty | 35 x 35 cm
Nightcliff | 21 x 21cm
Path | 28 x 28cm
Study: Those theirs this
Yellow tree | 38 x 28 cm
Each Wave | 25 x 18cm
That yellow car | 40 x 31 cm
Aquarium2 | 45 x 60cm
Bigboy | 25 x 15cm
Dressed up | 10 x 15cm
Home Dojo | 45 x 55cm
Laguvullin | 21 x 21cm
Dim Sum | 30 x 21cm
TWP tunnel | 40 x 50 cm
Homemaker Storm | 21 x 21cm
Home | 30 x 35cm
The Ladder | 21 x 21 cm
Front | 21 x 21cm
Clouds again | 50 x 65cm
30 x 38cm
Main Tunnel | 50 x 65cm
My Garden | 21 x 21 cm
Banana | 85 x 55 cm
January | 26 x 30cm
Tank1 Field | 35 x 35cm
Between them | 21 x 21cm
Parts of Sea | 21 x 21cm
Charcoal Sky | 26x30cm
Monsoon | 25 x 25cm
Those Theirs This | 80 x 100cm
Hometime study | 32 x 28 cm
Cas Reserve | 30 x 40cm
A whole house | 30 x 21cm
Bed Sheets | 30 x 32 cm
1st Aquarium study | 30 x 25cm
Aquarium Forest2
The Simpsons | 21 x 21cm
40 x 55cm